Skeleton Hunt Game
Kill all the Skeleton present in scene to complete the Level.

Created using Flutter and Flame Engine and created for Midyear 2022 Flame Game Jam

A - Move Left
D - Move Right
W - Attack
Space - Jump
R - Pause/Resume

Background Music

Assets Used
Author : Agnel Selvan
Created Using:

Fonts Used

Github Link


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Good one! It is great to see that you were able to get quite a responsive platformer character movement with forge2d. The characters still get randomly stuck at places, but can't complain since it was made within such a short period of time. Also liked how pushing the enemies off the level is also handled as part of the gameplay!

Thanks DevKage for the feedback :). Hope If I add more levels it would be even more fun due to short period of time unable to implement more levels :(.